Million $ website
2005. Alex Tew je napravio web stranicu – “oglasnu tablu” od 1.000.000 piksela sa idejom da ih rasproda za milion dolara…i uspeo je.
2005. Alex Tew je napravio web stranicu – “oglasnu tablu” od 1.000.000 piksela sa idejom da ih rasproda za milion dolara…i uspeo je.
U vreme razvoja veštačke inteligencije (AI – artificial intelligence) i sličnih paradigmi, počele su da se razvijaju platforme za veštačke umetnike, prijatelje, ljubavnike…. počele su da se oživljavaju stvari i kuće… Jedino što nedostaje je: etika.
Posle dužeg vremena Maurizio Cattelan se pojavio na Art Basel Miami sa bananom zalepljenom na zid izolir trakom, instalacijom koju je nazvao “Comedian”. Bananu je Katelanova galerija Perrotin navodno prodala “francuskoj gospođi” za 120.000$, a zatim je prodata i druga verzija (u seriji od 3!) Umetnik je pokrenuo lavinu komentara, regrama, postova, repostova, članaka , pitanja i odgovora…
VR TECHNOLOGY 3D VR Environments have existed for some time. Ivan Sutherland implemented the first VR system in 1968, using wire-frame graphics and a head-mounted display (HMD) [1]. Since then, various VR systems have been implemented and are widely used in military, engineering, trainings, flight simulations etc. Only recently have VR systems become commercially accessible….
The advent of computers and the subsequent accumulation of incalculable data has given rise to a new system of memory and thought, parallel to your own. Humanity has underestimated the consequences of computerization.
GOOGLE READER I talked to my students on HCI class about the product design and gave some examples of popular services that have been terminated. I remembered Google Reader , which I used often and I really found that service useful. I started to use Feedly later, when the reader was closed. On March…