Strimujte uživo – Live hangouts Youtube
Nije baš najnovija vest, ali ja sam ovaj novi Google-ov servis testirala tek pre neki dan. Koliko sam videla po postovima na netu, Live stream hangouts su pušteni u javnost još 30. jula. Mislim da je ovo servis koji će konačno pojednostaviti live art – performance, a verovatno će najviše efekta imati na edukaciju, odnosno…
ReacTj ReacTable Trance live performance @ submixpro studio
Web Audio Examples
The Web Audio API introduces a variety of new audio features to the web platform. It can be used with the canvas 2D and WebGL 3D graphics APIs for creating a new generation of games and interactive applications. The API is capable of dynamically positioning/spatializing and mixing multiple sound sources in three-dimensional space. It has a powerful modular routing…
Original Cyborgs: Disability and Technology
Written by GimpGirl Community The Exploration of the Cyborg Unless you are a feminist, geek or academic, you have likely not come across the Cyborg Manifesto. It was written back in 1985 as an exploration of how the boundaries between human, animal and machine are blurring, as well as the implications of that breakdown of barriers (particularly…
Sweet tweet
Twitter kampanje su manje zastupljene u našem regionu, evo jednog simple low budget [how else] kreativnog pristupa: