Critical Tips and Tricks for the Successful Modern net.artist
A. Promotional Techniques
1. Attend and participate in major media art festivals, conferences and exhibitions.
a. Physical
b. Virtual
2. Do not under any circumstances admit to paying entry fees, travel expenses or hotel accommodations.
3. Avoid traditional forms of publicity. e.g. business cards.
4. Do not readily admit to any institutional affiliation.
5. Create and control your own mythology.
6. Contradict yourself periodically in email, articles, interviews and in informal off-the-record conversation.
7. Be sincere.
8. Shock.
9. Subvert (self and others).
10. Maintain consistency in image and work.
B. Success Indicators: Upgrade 2
1. Bandwidth
2. Girl or boy friends
3. Hits on search engines
4. Hits on your sites
5. Links to your site
6. Invitations
7. E-mail
8. Airplane tickets
9. Money
Natalie Bookchin, Alexei Shulgin
March-April 1999