Every bit gets its clone re-bit ( re-re-bit or re-bit-bit) …..untill the system collapses
Every bit gets its clone re-bit ( re-re-bit or re-bit-bit) …..untill the system collapses
Lacan: Slika je, kao u čuvenoj apologiji Zeuksa i Paraksiosa, nešto izvan onoga što čovek “zahteva da vidi”. Peinture est quelque chose au-delà de quoi l’homme “demande à voir” . Painting is something beyond what men “demands to see” story of Zeuxis & Parrhasios ROBINSON: SELFPORTRAIT: An essay theme on Victor Burgin’s TEA WITH MADLEINE …
Lacan: Dijalektika oka i pogleda: nema koincidencije, postoji samo samo iluzija. (dialectic of the eye and the view: no coincidence, just the illusion) ROBINSON: SELFPORTRAIT:
————————————————————————– Jacques Lacan: Ono što gledam nije nikada ono što želim da vidim. Ce que je regarde n’est jamais ce que je veux voir What I see is never what I desire (to see) ————————————————————————- Paul Robinson: ————————————————————————- contraSELF: ————————————————————————- An essay theme on Victor Burgin’s TEA WITH MADLEINE from “Blasted Allegories” Lacan ,…
Lacan: Nothing forces anyone to enjoy except the superego. The superego is the imperative of jouissance – Enjoy! ROBINSON: SELFPORTRAIT: An essay theme on Victor Burgin‘s TEA WITH MADLEINE from “Blasted Allegories” Lacan , Robinson and me. Bibliografija i webografija: Jacques Lacan, le Séminaire, livre XI, Seuil 1973. str. 102 Slavoj Žižek, How to read…
Veoma snažan dokumentarni film potkrepljen zanimljivim arhivskim snimcima i uz sjajnu muzičku podlogu grupe Laibach (koja se formalno može uvrstiti u industrial rock band, ali čija ideološka podloga daleko prevazilazi formaciju jednog rok benda) . Film je sniman u periodu 1991. – 1995. godine, u periodu kada je Slovenija bila mlada država, tek otcepljena od…